Vectors represent a spatial offset – a distance in a specific direction. They form the basis of most spatial mathematics in the game. kVec3 uses the typical paradigm of maintaining an offset along each axis.
Technically, vectors and points are distinct and not interchangeable; however, Turok EX uses the common shortcut of using vectors to represent points, as they can implicitly be thought of as a point's offset from the origin.
float x, y, z
components of the vector
void kVec3( float initX, float initY, float initZ )
initialize components to the given values
void kVec3( kVec3& v )
copy constructor
void Set( float newX, float newY, float newZ )
assign new values to each component
void Clear()
sets each component to 0.0
kVec3& Normalize()
normalize and return a reference to self
kVec3 Cross( kVec3& v )
returns the cross product, this × v
float Dot( kVec3& v )
returns the dot product, this • v
float Unit()
float UnitSq()
returns the length and squared length* of the vector, respectively
float Distance( kVec3& v )
float DistanceSq( kVec3& v )
returns the distance and squared distance* between the two vectors (treated as points), respectively
float ToPitch()
angle (in radians) of the vector above the x-y (horizontal) plane
float ToYaw()
angle (in radians) about the z-axis (vertical axis) between the vector and the y-axis
kQuat ToQuaternion()
kQuat ToQuat()
return a quaternion describing a rotation to the vector from (0,1,0)
kStr ToString()
returns "x y z"
kVec3& Randomize( float f )
randomizes and returns a reference to self
f = 1.0
seems to result in a unit vector with a random direction
f = 0.5
seems to jump around a length somewhere around 0.3
to 0.8
f = 2.0
seems to jump around, but overall increase over time
kVec3 Lerp( kVec3& v, float pct ) const
kVec3& Lerp( kVec3& v, float pct )
linear interpolation, this + (v-this)*pct
non-const version applies result to self, and returns reference to self
kVec3& CubicCurve( kVec3& v1, float f, kVec3& v2 )
kVec3& QuadraticCurve( kVec3& v1, float f, kVec3& v2, kVec3& v3 )
kVec3 + kVec3
kVec3 += kVec3
vector addition
kVec3 - kVec3
kVec3 -= kVec3
vector subtraction
kVec3 * kVec3
kVec3 *= kVec3
componentwise multiplication, ( x1*x2, y1*y2, z1*z2 )
kVec3 * float
kVec3 *= float
scalar multiplication
kVec3 / kVec3
kVec3 /= kVec3
componentwise division, ( x1/x2, y1/y2, z1/z2 )
kVec3 / float
scalar division
kVec3 = kVec3