Turok EX Modding Guide


sounds/waves/ contains raw audio data which is referred to by ksnd files in sounds/shaders/.

ksnd files define the actual sound effects played in the game. They can mix multiple sounds together, add delays, dynamically shift the volume and pitch, and control other properties.

The number of sounds is specified at the beginning of the file with sounds[N] =, followed by a block containing N sub blocks, each defining a sound to play when the ksnd is invoked.

The number of sound definitions must match the value of N, or the game will not load.


General Properties


wav file to play

e.g., wavefile = "sounds/waves/explo1p.wav"

bOneInstancePerSource can't be replayed until the previous instance finishes
bLoop loop until the source is removed, dies, or stops it via script
bEnableVolumeEnvelope enables the shifting properties in the corresponding envelope block
bFadeIfObstructed source requires line of sight to the player for this sound to be audible
bUpdateNoEnvelope [unused]
bLinkToEnvelope [unused]
bFullVolume do not reduce volume with distance from the player
delay how long after the ksnd was invoked to play this sound
priority There's a limit to how many sounds can be playing at once. Sounds with a higher priority are given precedence when that limit is reached.
random probability that the sound will play (0.0 to 1.0)
  1. -20% volume
  2. normal volume
  3. +50% volume

Envelope Blocks

These blocks control volume and pitch, as well as dynamic volume and pitch shifting.

All values except for max require the corresponding envelope boolean to be set, except for start ≤ 0.002 in volume_envelope.

These blocks work slightly differently from each other, so be mindful of the details.


max base volume scalar of the sound

initial and target fraction of max

volume will ramp from start*max to end*max (capped at 1.0)

duration how long it takes to ramp from initial to target volume

how long to stay at initial volume, before beginning to ramp toward target volume



pitch scalar

this value will only be used when bEnablePitchEnvelope = 0


initial and target pitch

pitch will shift from start to end

duration how long it takes to shift from start to end
envStartTime how long to stay at start, before beginning to shift toward end