Turok EX Modding Guide

Scripts kCamera

cutscene camera

stored in global var Camera


kVec3 origin

kAngle yaw, pitch, roll

float fov

float lookZOffset


void StartCinematic( uint flags = CMF_LOCK_PLAYER | CMF_UNLOCK_PLAYER_ON_FINISH )

void StopCinematic()

int CinematicState()

  1. no cinematic
  2. transitioning in – fading to black
  3. transitioning in – fading from black
  4. playing
  5. transitioning out – fading to black
  6. transitioning out – fading from black

bool Active()

bool ViewingFromCamera()

returns true if CinematicState() is 2, 3, or 4

void SetLookAtActor( kActor@ a )

void ClearLookAtActor()

void SetRotateEyeVector( kVec3& v )

void SetFinalView( int i )

void ClearFinalView()

void SetRotationTrack( int trackID, float angle1, float angle2, float dist1, float dist2,
float height1 = 0, float height2 = 0, float lookHeight1 = 0, float lookHeight2 = 0 )

void SetPositionTrack( int trackID, kVec3& startPos, kVec3& endPos,
kVec3& startLookAt, kVec3& endLookAt )

void ClearViewTracks()

void TweenPositionTrack( int trackID, float time )

void TweenRotationTrack( int trackID, kVec3& v, float time )

void AutoPlayPositionTrack( int trackID, float time, int lerpType )

void AutoPlayRotationTrack( int trackID, float time, int lerpType )

void AutoPlayBlendTrack( int trackID, int blendTrack1ID, int blendTrack2ID,
float time, int lerpType )

void SetEyeView( kVec3& pos )

set camera position

void ZoomEyeViewToPosition( kVec3& v, float f )

kVec3 GetEyeView()

void SetFocusView( kVec3& lookAt )

set location camera should point at

void ZoomFocusViewToPosition( kVec3& v, float f )

kVec3 GetFocusView()

bool UserInterrupted()

returns true if the player has tried to cancel the cutscene (e.g., pressed fire or escape key)

const kVec3& Tremor()