Turok EX Modding Guide

Scripts kDictMem

Associative array of strings.

kDictMems are used for storing damage type properties.

There is a global kDict, GameVariables, for storing persistent, per-save data, like collected chronosceptor pieces.


bool GetFloat( kStr& key, float& val, float default = 0 )

bool GetInt( kStr& key, int& val, int default = 0 )

bool GetBool( kStr& key, bool& val, bool default = false )

bool GetString( kStr& key, kStr& val )

bool GetVector( kStr& key, kVec3& val )

look up key

if it exists, parse its associated string and store the result in val, otherwise store default
(the string and vector versions default to "" and (0,0,0), respectively)

return whether key was found


These methods are exclusive to kDict.

void Add( kStr& key, kStr& val )

void SetValue( kStr& key, kStr& val )

add or update an entry in the array

void Empty()

bool HasKey( kStr& key )

whether key exists in the array