Turok EX Modding Guide

Scripts Math Namespace

The Math namespace provides an assortment of common math functions and constants.


As you can see, these aren't actually declared const. Please don't modify their values.

float pi


kVec3 vecZero


Basic Arithmetic

int Abs( int i )

float Fabs( float f )

absolute value

float Ceil( float f )

float Floor( float f )

ceiling (round up) and floor (round down)

float Min( float a, float b )

float Max( float a, float b )

returns the lesser or greater of the two parameters, respectively

float Sqrt( float f )

float InvSqrt( float f )

f and 1f

1/Math::Sqrt(0) crashes the game, but Math::InvSqrt(0) returns a large number

float Pow( float base, float exp )

returns base raised to the power of exp

float Log( float f )

natural logarithm (base e)

float IncMax( float val, float inc, float max )

returns val+inc, capped to max

float Lerp( float a, float b, float pct )

linear interpolation

returns a value a fraction of the way from a to b:

a + pct*(b-a)


float Sin( float radians )

float Cos( float radians )

float Tan( float radians )

sine, cosine, tangent

float ACos( float f )

arc (inverse) cosine (in radians)

float ATan2( float y, float x )

angle (in radians) between the positive x-axis and (x,y)

float Deg2Rad( float degrees )

float Rad2Deg( float radians )

convert between radians and degrees

float CosTween( float [unknown] )

float CosArc( float [unknown] )

Random Numbers

Floating point ranges are given in interval notation: parentheses denote exclusive endpoints, and square brackets denote inclusive endpoints.

Take any exclusive endpoints with a grain of salt – it's possible I just never rolled them while testing.

int Rand()

int SysRand()

0 to 32767

anecdotally, Rand() seems to have a hard time hitting 0 (faster but with less even distribution?)

uint8 RandByte()

0 to 255

int RandMax( int max )

0 to max-1

float RandFloat()

( 0.0, 1.0 )

float RandCFloat()

[ -1.0, 1.0 )

float RandRange( float min, float max )

( min, max ]

int RandRange( int min, int max )

[ min, max ]