Turok EX Modding Guide

Scripts kGame

stored in global var Game

Level Sripts

void CallDelayedMapScript( int scriptID, kActor@ instigator, float delay )

void CallDelayedMapScript( kStr& s, kActor@ instigator, float delay )

invoke a level script after delay seconds, or 1 tick, whichever is longer

the int version can invoke $scripts by their ID

the string version can invoke by name any level script function with the following type signature:

void( kActor@ )

both versions will simply do nothing if the specified script does not exist

void HaltMapScript( int scriptID )

terminates a map script in a $restart loop or waiting to begin/continue

Other Level Methods

void ChangeMap( kStr& path )

change to an arbitrary map by file path (does not need to be defined in defs/mapInfo.txt)

screen fades to black (sets cinematic state to 1 then 5), as opposed to teleportation screen effects

bool GetHubKeyInfo( uint levelNum, int& keys, int& remaining, int& lockBits )

gets info on level keys:

returns whether levelNum is defined

int GetMapNumberFromName( kStr& levelName )

number of a level block in defs/mapInfo.txt

e.g., GetMapNumberFromName("Map_SpiritWorld") returns 11

returns -1 if not found

int GetCurrentMapID()

mapid of the current map

returns -1 if the current map isn't in defs/mapInfo.txt


void PlayMusic( kStr& path, bool bLoop )

void StopMusic()


void Restart()

return to title screen

void ShowMainMenu()

display title screen menu


void PrintLine( kStr& msg, int lineNum, int ticks = 120 )

void PrintHelp( kStr& msg, bool bEndGame = false )

kStr GetLocalizedText( kStr& key )


int GetDifficulty()

current difficulty setting

possible values are:


void SpawnFx( kStr& path, kActor@ source, kVec3& vel, kVec3& loc, kQuat& rot )

void SpawnFx( kStr& path, kPuppet@ source, kVec3& vel, kVec3& loc, kQuat& rot )

void SpawnFx( kStr& path, kActor@ source, kVec3& loc, kQuat& rot )

void SpawnFx( kStr& path, kPuppet@ source, kVec3& loc, kQuat& rot )

void SpawnFx( kStr& path, kActor@ source, kVec3& loc, float f1, float f2 )

void SpawnFx( kStr& path, kPuppet@ source, kVec3& loc, float f1, float f2 )

void SpawnFx( kStr& path, kVec3& loc, int sector )

vel will be used instead of source's velocity for particles with bAddOffset (delta per tick)

loc is global